
Elzbieta Frackowiak is full professor at the Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry in Poznan University of Technology, Poland. Her research interests are focused on carbon materials, their composites and redox active electrolytes for energy storage/conversion systems such as ecofriendly electrochemical capacitors, redox flow and metal-ion batteries. She is particularly involved in the study of the electrode/electrolyte interface by advanced operando techniques.

Krzysztof Fic defended his PhD thesis in 2012. Since that time, he serves as associated professor at Poznan University of Technology. His research interest is focused on interfacial phenomena in electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems and development of operando techniques and protocols. In 2017 he received Starting Grant form European Research Council. He is co-promoter of 2 PhD thesis and promoter of 3 PhD thesis. Moreover, he serves as visiting researcher at Kansai University (Japan) and as a Member of National Science Center (Poland).

Dr. Jon Ajuria has over 20 years of experience in different technological centers focused on applied research. During those years, he has been conducting research in in the field of energy generation, conversion and storage, such as photovoltaics, fuel cells and batteries, acquiring a deep knowledge in the field of energy. In 2015 he joined CIC energiGUNE where he is now Research Line Manager of the Metal-ion Capacitor Research Line. His research interest is focused on the development of metal ion capacitors, covering the whole value chain of the technology, starting from novel concepts and materials to the design and manufacturing of prototypes. He has over 32 publications with a H-index of 23, 3 patents, and has been principal investigator of more than 15 industrial projects.

Andrea Balducci is professor for applied electrochemistry at the Institute for Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry of the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany. He obtained his PhD from the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse (France) in 2006. He is working since more than 15 years on the development and characterization of novel electrolytes and active/inactive materials suitable for the realization of safe and high-performance electrical capacitors and batteries.

Siim Küünal is a Technical Grant Project Manager from Skeleton Technologies, which is the leading European manufacturer of high-power energy storage solutions with customers in automotive, transport, industrial and grid sectors. Siim has experience in renewable energy solutions  with a PhD degree in nanomaterial engineering and is responsible for the progress of the project ENERCAP in Skeleton behalf

Eider Goikolea is a senior researcher and professor of the Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.

She obtained her PhD in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (2009). After an international research and post-doctoral stay at CIRIMAT-Université Paul Sabatier (France) in the group of Prof. Patrice Simon, in 2012 she joined the research centre of electrochemical and thermal energy storage CIC energiGUNE (Spain). In 2017, she moved back to the University of the Basque Country as associate professor.

Her main research interest is the development of new materials for electrochemical energy storage devices including electrochemical capacitors and novel metal ion chemistries.

Eider Goikolea has supervised 3 PhD students and is currently supervising 4 more, as well as several postdocs, master’s theses and undergraduate students. She is the co-author of more than 50 scientific papers in international journals (H-index 21 SCOPUS 12/2023) and holds 2 patents.

Patrice Simone is Professor in Material Science at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, in the CIRIMAT Laboratory (UMR CNRS 5085). He, obtained Ph.D. in 1995 in Material Science at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Toulouse. In 1996 he joined the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris where he was appointed as Assistant Professor, and moved to Université Paul Sabatier in 2001.

Junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2007-2012), was awarded with a ERC Advanced Grant in 2012, on the study of ion transport: in carbon nanopres (IONACES project). His research is focused on the synthesis and the characterization of nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy.